Meditation in our daily lives
                                   By- Basudev(S.B.)


As we are all familiar with the term” Meditation” nowadays. In the era of technological advancement, we are getting a lot of information, and meditation can help us from getting harmed by this overload of information. Meditation helps us in getting control of our senses, thoughts, etc., which indirectly leads us to better mental health.

Meditation is not just to sit in a place for a longer time, but to focus your mind on one thing and let other things go. There are numerous types of meditation as * Rajyoga * Kriya Yoga * Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Karma yoga, kundalini yoga, etc. Meditation helps us in better psychological health which directly leads us to a better quality of life. The power of focusing gets increased by regular practice of meditation, you can easily tackle challenges arising in our daily lives. Yes, of course, it might be the best decision of your life. Spirituality also comes with it. You can start today by giving just 5-10 minutes in the beginning and it is much better to maintain continuity in meditation practice e.g. if you practice it for 5 minutes for 6 days is much better than spending 30 minutes in one day. Regular Meditation Practice has remarkable benefits on your overall personality and well-being. Not any tools required, no need to follow a fixed schedule, and so on. Just start it today. Yes, in the beginning, it might seem difficult, boring, hard to focus, but time by time through daily practice you will be amazed by its benefits. Well, at first all the things are difficult, but time by time they get easier and easier. There are numerous benefits of practicing meditation. It helps you in relaxing and reliving daily life stress a lot.

So, from all the things it can be said that We all should have to practice meditation in our daily life, necessary for our well-being, also helps us in almost all psychological/ mental problems. Try to adapt yourself and maintain a continuous routine helps us to maintain the perfect well-being of ourselves. What matters is that meditation helps you reduce your stress and feel better overall. It might become the starting of your spiritual journey. 


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Reviewed by Basudev on 19:31 Rating: 5


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    Basudev(S.B. 2.5+)


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